Patrick Winfield Vogel
heart of a stone image , 2021
dimensions variable
Solar panel, bricks, unfired clay, coral, tropical fruit, scallop and gastropod shells, hourglass, ammonite, black Orthoceras and trilobite fossils, smoky quartz, plaster, pigment, sand, rope, soil, resin, coin, styrofoam, coffee, selenite, iPhone, book, abalone shells, banana seed pods, ritual snuff (tobacco), toy reproductions of F-117 Nighthawk and F-22 Raptor planes, black amethyst, padded mailing envelope, floss silk tree flower, glass bracelet, plastic Sony icon, medicinal plant-vegetables, etched silver platter, tourmaline, Anandamide chocolates, dog toy, aloe ferox (bitter aloe), Danaus plexippus (monarch butterfly), mantis, magnifier lens, stone water basin, string, Kuripe bone pipe, wooden millinery hat block, diachronic objects (from Entangled Primitive 2020), all collected in the Western United States of North America
How do we queer the future?
This complex installation examines the ecology of a queer fiction wherein political unrest, climate change shifts, and the rapidly mutating epidemic of 2020 become the nexus for a speculative utopia.
Despite our seemingly bleak present, Vogel’s conjunction of actor-network theory, neo-Marxist critique, and environmental Deleuze-inspired assemblage acts as a harbinger for a desirable matrix of hope.
Exulting a new type of natural world which balances the ruins of technological civilization with the sprouting formations of nature Itself, the installation combines within a mathematical grid the concept of a shrine to the biome.
heart of a stone image is a sharp analysis and visual antidote of insightful optimism that counteracts a past year of worldwide unrest and a diseased planet awaiting its future of potential regrowth into newly verdant fields.
IG: @patrickonearth
IG: @officespacegallery